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International Relations

EIBC is actively involved in organising and taking part in several International Business events which aim to foster business relations between India and Europe. Here are a few glimpses

With His Excellency the Ambassador of European Union to India Dr.Cravinho and Hi

With His Excellency the Ambassador of European Union to India Dr.Cravinho and His Excellency The Consul General Of Belgium Mr.Karl Van Den Bossche

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EIBC German Evening Times of India


Addressing the EIBC Jubilee Day Audience on 21st March 2016

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EIBC Jubilee Day Audience 21st March 2016

With His Excellency The Ambassador of The Netherlands in India Mr.Stoelinga and Ms.Van Diggelen Managing Director NFIA

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EIBC Jubilee Day 21st March 2016 August Audience

Addressing German Evening, Thane, India. 06-02-2013


In conversation with His Excellency The Consul General of Germany in India Mr.Siebert

With His Excellency the Consul General of Russia Mr.Novikov.jpg

With His Excellency the Consul General of Russia Mr.Novikov

With His Excellency the Former President of India Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam

With His Excellency Mr.Leeuven the Consul General ofThe Kingdom of Netherlands .

With His Excellency Mr.Geoffrey Von Leeuwen-Consul General of The Kingdom of Netherlands

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With His Excellency Mr.Erdal Sabri Ergen Consul General of Turkey

With His Excellency The Consul General of Belgium Mr.Karl Von Den Bossche.JPG

With His Excellency The Consul General of Belgium Mr.Karl Von Den Bossche

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leading Indian Industrialist Delegation in Germany

BKR with Netherlands Minister for Foreign Trade & Exe.Dir.World Bank Mr.Heemsker

With Mr.Heemskirk, Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands & currently Executive Director World Bank

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With Indian delegation at Paris

Momento being presented to Mr.Rane by His Excellency Mr.Michael Siebert-Consul General of Germany In India

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BKR Presenting Citation to His Excellency Commander Yves PERRIN Consul General of France


Introducing His Excellency Mr.Siebert Consul General of Germany to Mr.K.J.Rane Chairman UCP India

With Netherlands Foreign Trade Minister Mr.Bleker

With His Excellency Mr.Akov Consul General of Israel .jpg

With His Excellency Mr.Akov Consul General of Israel


With Dr.Nico Arfman of the Netherlands Economic Affairs Ministry (Oost NV)

With His Excellency the Consul General of The Republic of Argentina in India Mr.Layus

With His Excellency the Ambassador of The Netherlands in India Mr.Hiensch at his official residense in New Delhi.

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With Her Excellency the Consul General of Srilanka Ms.Sirisena




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